- 公司名称:
- 联系人:
- 袁波
- 电话:
- 24 25442052
- 传真:
- 24 25442011
- 日期:
- 2008-07-09 10:41:39
- 类别:
- 小金属----锑
- 范围:
- 国际
- 买 /卖:
- 卖
- 品名:
- we supply antimony trioxide/t
- 规格:
- Product Specification: 99
- 数量:
- According to the order
- 价格:
- According to the order
- 产地:
- According to the order
- 包装:
- According to the order
- 装运地:
- According to the order
- 装运期:
- According to the order
- 交货方式:
- According to the order
- 付款方式:
- According to the order
- 单据要求:
- According to the order
- 商检:
- /
- 询盘效期:
- All The TIME
- 备注:
- If you need it,contact us./ti